by Brad
If I could go anywhere for vacation I would go to Nuhamurrocho, Badsmith. This magnificent place is named after the delicious foods Nachos, Hamburgers and the crispy mouth watering Churros. If I could go here I would first, go and eat at the “Food Inn,” where all the furniture and accessories are made up of all the elements in the magnificent breath taking foods that I have listed awhile ago. After, I would take a hike in the forest of churros. By the way this is the only forest made of churros. Then, I would go have lunch at the restaurant of hamburgers which only sells hamburgers. But don’t worry there are a variety of choices. In this city the slogan for the restaurant is “Thinking inside my buns.” To end of the day I would go and relax in the boiling hot nacho cheese jacuzzi. That is where and what I would do for vacation.
That is really funny Brad.