If my fortune cookie said that today was my lucky day this is what would happen.
On this day a man would suddenly burst into my front door from the government and say “You have just won all of the money from the government.” Then I would go spend some of the money on a mansion and inside the mansion would be a go kart track, a giant master bedroom with a 160 inch plasma screen TV, a pizzeria, an arcade, a bowling ally, and a dance floor. I would also higher a bodyguard to guard my rich body. There would be a lot of super swim suit models kissing me. I would also get all of the video games in the world. That’s what would happen on this day.
On this day a man would suddenly burst into my front door from the government and say “You have just won all of the money from the government.” Then I would go spend some of the money on a mansion and inside the mansion would be a go kart track, a giant master bedroom with a 160 inch plasma screen TV, a pizzeria, an arcade, a bowling ally, and a dance floor. I would also higher a bodyguard to guard my rich body. There would be a lot of super swim suit models kissing me. I would also get all of the video games in the world. That’s what would happen on this day.
That is so cool. It rocks!