If my fortune cookie said, “Today is your lucky day!” this would have happened… A huge video game truck the size of a mansion crashed with all new video games that aren’t even out I would take them for my self. If it was my lucky day a huge plane dropped 1,000 pounds of melted delicious chocolate all over Lone Pine and in the delicious melted chocolate there would be chunks of marshmallow. It would have been the time of my life and right when the day would be over all the schools in the world would have exploded which would be awesome and that meant that I could play video games for ever and ever. I would be the happiest kid in the world. It would be the happiest day of my life. Right as I thought it couldn’t get better it was my birthday and I got all the games in the world and I got $1,000,000. That’s what would happen if my fortune cookie said those beautiful words.
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