First I put all my valuables away in a cupboard. Next I made sure I make snacks. Also make sure you set some games out.
When they arrive I ask their moms what they fear most and what they like the most. I make sure I get their names. Second I locked all the rooms I don’t want them to go into. When the moms leave they run for it two in one direction and three in the other direction. They went through the cupboards and found the valuables they started playing dodge ball with the glass vases. And they were really running on the walls. The other two brats where going through the fridge grabbing anything they could find and putting it in a blender. The lid wasn’t on the blender and when they turned it on gross slimy stuff went everywhere. I grabbed the two in the kitchen and where going to put them in time out but the other three came from the living room and started trying to free the two in my hands. They started kicking and screaming. I grabbed them and then locked them all in the bathroom.
When the moms came I gave them a roll of gum to make sure that they didn’t tell their moms I locked them in the bathroom. I got paid twenty bucks from each parent. But the thing that sucked is I had to clean my house for the next three days.
Wow! That is not nice at all! I don't think I would want you babysitting again!
ReplyDeleteThat is so mean! Jease,I wouldnt want you baby sit my kids!
ReplyDeleteYour so mean!!!!