Taking care of five mischievous kids is a handful. Some people ask how I know that, well because I took care of two 9 year olds one seven year old and two five year olds. Yes it was hard I’ll say and it still is hard but its easier then what it used to. But it is so much fun watching them.
My story begins here in little old Mississippi in a town called Goldsfer. A couple of months ago my friends and I started a club called “The Baby-Sitter Friends” it was pretty successful. And the very first job we had went to me. The family name is the Sterns’. Oh how miss guiding last names could be, they weren’t stern at all to say the least they would be the last set of parents to get the best parenting award. But over the phone they told me where they lived, what time to be there, everything. But that their kids should be locked up in a wacky shack or at the Looney bin.
When I got there everything seemed normal but as soon as Mr. and Mrs. Stern left then the kids started play pranks on me and most of them hurt a lot. In 1 hr they pulled 7 pranks 5 of them hurt. And I never knew kids could have so many allergies. After about 2 ½ hrs my head hurt I had to call for back up cause I guessed that the worse was still to come.
Oh and it did as soon as my friend Alicia got there they were perfect little angles and that made me look like a wimp. But she could tell they were putting on a little act so she acted like she was leaving went outside and spied on us and she saw what they were doing to me I started thanking God that Alicia has such a good eye. So what did she do she called the kids parents something I never got the chance to do and they came right back to there house and started to yell at me for the house looking like a twister just ran right through their living room.
But then the kid said what they had done to me and my business and confessed. The parents looked so shocked it was very sad cause then I found out I wasn’t the only one who was having a whole lot of trouble. It turns out that a lot of baby sitters quit because they were acting like little monsters and calling me was just a plan to make them pay.
But that didn’t stop me from telling the parents they should have told me about the plan but then they told me that it wouldn’t give me a sense of pride that I survived just barely with the likes of the terrible five . But what are you going to do when parents have a plan. But I still baby-sit for them they’re a lot better then what they were when I first baby-sat them. But they still are the terrible five to me and they always will be.
I like your story. It's funny!