by Lupita
This feature film is about two close friends who fall in love. They have known each other since kindergarten but there has always been a metal curtain between the girls and boys.
Gabe and Rosemary have been close friends since kindergarten but there is a metal wall between the girls and boys. Boys are afraid of the girls because they have “cooties”. But when Gabe decides to take karate that all changes for the two of them. From then on they spend all their time together.
I liked the movie because it is no only for adults or for kids it’s for both. I also loved how even though they were young they still loved each other. I also liked the settings how they were able to roam with out getting hurt. It was nice how they could get mad at each other and make up.
In the movie I didn’t like how the elevator man treated the lady. Also I didn’t like how Gabe’s dad pushed him. I thought that he should be able to do what he wanted.
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