The people that I admire the most are living. They’re my mom and dad. I admire them all the time even when they get me in trouble.
My parents buy me everything I need, and almost everything I want. They’re nice to everyone they see. They say “ Hi ” even when they don’t know the people. They are really nice to me and my friends and people that go to my house. They’re really nice to me and my sisters.
I admire my mom because she makes me food so I don’t starve. She buys me and my sister’s stuff like a hair dryer, hair straightener ,hair curler brushes, combs, hair bands, head bands ,etc. She goes to girl stores at the mall with us like Justice, Claire’s, and other stores. She buys us lots of clothes at the mall. She takes care of us and signs permission slips when we are going somewhere at school. And she gives me money.
I admire my dad because he gives us money. He pays food and house necessities. He drives us to Los Angeles, Lancaster, Bishop, and everywhere in between. He buys vehicles for us to ride in. He pays for places for us to live in. He gives my mom money to buy us stuff and to buy stuff for her.
Those are some reasons why I admire my parents.