The person I admire most is my Mother. I admire her because she has taken good care of me for my whole life.
My mother is very kind to me. She’d do anything for me! If I wanted a cell for my b-day, she’ll get it (sand which She Did) She also got me a PS2 when I was 8, and my favorite game at the time, Fr33kstyl3. The game was a motorcycle game that you could knock others off their bikes by hitting then with trick and tweaks like the Superman or Superman w/ tweak, Screwdriver. But lets get back on topic.
I also have some dislikes of her. We do not share a like of music. She likes country, I cant stand it. Also I like Rap, she cant stand that. Mexican food makes me drool, she likes Chinese better. Japanese food is mouth watering to me, but she hates it. She “breaks the sound barrier” when she yells. She says I’m lazy and need to get off the computer, but all she does is get paid 28$ an hour to sleep, play games, and watch movies at a computer for 11 hours.
I know her life is stressful trying to take care of 2 deviant little girls, but I lighten up her day when she gets home.
I Rule! BTW Hi Mom!