When I went to the fair last year it was really sunny. I went on some rides with my sisters and some by myself. Some of the ones I wanted to go on were closed. I was walking through the stinky poop smell by animals and then I went by the swings and Magie was there. She had to leave because she had gone on the swings four times and had to throw up! My mom told me to wait outside for her! My mom told me to wait outside for her. It smelled really bad even though I was outside. She took really long.
Since she wasn’t coming out fast I left to get some food. It smelled like carne asada. I got some Chinese food and a strawberry smoothie. Magie’s mom got Chinese food and a smoothie too, while Magie was still in the bathroom. Then my dad came back because he had gone to the rodeo and we left. It was really fun at the fair except I didn’t get to go on rides with Magie.
Nice story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nefer you repeated My mom told me to wait outside for her 2 times- N.V