This is a story about two love stories. One story is a 1st love story. One is a getting back together story.
Little Manhattan is a story about a boy named Gabe. He is 11 just like his karate partner Rosemary. Once he meets his karate partner he feels loves strike him in the heart. Gabe ends up getting Rosemary as his sparring partner. After their first karate class Gabe and Rosemary are already practicing together and going to parties together. They also go see the best singer in New York with Rosemary’s parents.
I really like the movie, but my favorite part was when Gabe kisses Rosemary on the lips! I like that part because it is funny and romantic. The reason why I like is I love watching movie scenes that will make you laugh. I also love this scene because it is one of the funniest parts of the movie. This is my favorite part of the movie.
I think the worst part of the movie was when Gabe and Rosemary told each other they hated each other. I didn’t like that part because it was kind of sad. It is sad because you think they’re going to fall in love. It is sad because you think they will stay together for the summer. When they yell at each other over the phone the expression on their faces are shocking. I think that is the worst part of the movie.
good job