Hello, my name is Noah, which you might know if you read the Legendary Trio. Anyways, like I was saying we get a whole week of vacation for President’s Week. Heads up, my teacher just told the class that next year we only get a long weekend because some teachers don’t think it’s necessary to have a break in February. Well, too bad and anyways I should be happy we have it at all. So read the next paragraph to see what I’ll be doing tomorrow (Saturday) through next Sunday.
Saturday through next Sunday I’ll be going to Santa Paula to visit my family with NO PARENTS! HORRAY! Well, except for my Aunt Vanessa but she isn’t really a parent. I’m also sure it’ll be fun because last time I came back with a Mohawk and my mom was freaked out!
So, I’m planning to spend most of the time with my cousin. By the way, when I’m going tomorrow I’ll be celebrating a birthday (whose I’m not that sure). Anyways, that’s going to be, or at least supposed to be, my President’s Week.
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