We are the legendary trio.
Tommyt is our leader.
Gabeybaby is our unnecessary funny guy.
Last but not least Coltina
First of all our funny guy would like to say some stuff.
Gabeybaby says “Here is an awesome website”
http://addictinggames.comNow some words from our sponsor
Sponsor says go to our website at
http://noahcastaneda.webs.comthere’s no place like our place
Coltina would like to say that “You should go to
Then Noah says Coltina is a ugly chef in a frogs mouth.
Next week is a free week and the week after that we have skiing on Wednesday.
This is Gabeybaby’s Dialogue
Gabe: Coltan, hey want to go to the mall?
Coltan: Sure? Let’s buy high heels and dresses.
Gabe: Yeah!! Maybe we will meet Brad and Chad.
Coco: what’s up girlfriend!!?
Chad: I just got my hair and like nails done so don’t touch me!
Coltan: Diva Hog!!!!!!!!
Chad: Shut up style cow!!!
Coco: stop it so we can buy dresses and heals!!!!
Coco,Chad,gabe,Coltan: Let’s go!!
Gabe:Do you think they have heels.
Tommyt’s Life story:
Once there was a boy born in the year 1998 his name was Noah Castaneda. He then stayed with his loving parents in one house until the boy was five when his parents split up. His mom stayed in the original house while the dad moved in with a friend, in fact the dad’s friend was no other then Ben Sparks the priest at the Mt.Whitney Baptist church. The kid would go back and forth between his parents and still now. While he is also an amazing singer and pianist who has preformed for 3,000 people. He is now is in the fifth grade and ten years old.
To be continued...