Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Why Should Students Blog?

I think that the biggest advantage to blogs is that they provide an authentic audience for student writing and work in general. In the past the teacher was usually the only person who read student work. With a blog, student work can be read by classmates, parents, extended family members, school community members, project partners, classroom teachers, pre-service teachers, and anyone around the world who locates the class blog. (Personal correspondence, December 2008)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Coltan Babysits
by Coltan
One day I was at my house. That day my family came I have a little cousin named Ryan. I had to keep him busy for three days. Let me remind you that my cousin is 3, doesn’t like naps, and loves to play. It was really hard. He would find everything to play with in my room. Finally I got him calmed down by letting him watch a movie. Then he started up again and would not stop. He was a train off its track.
One day I was at my house. That day my family came I have a little cousin named Ryan. I had to keep him busy for three days. Let me remind you that my cousin is 3, doesn’t like naps, and loves to play. It was really hard. He would find everything to play with in my room. Finally I got him calmed down by letting him watch a movie. Then he started up again and would not stop. He was a train off its track.
Difficult Chore

I think my most difficult chore is cleaning out my rabbit cages. It takes up a lot of my time and sometimes when I clean it out with the hose I accidentally pore it on my feet. After I clean the big cage I set it on the trampoline to dry while I clean out the smaller bunny cage. The smaller cage is easier to clean the big gage but it smells worse. After I’m done with the small one I put it back. Then I get the big one and put sawdust in it and all of the food trays back in it. Last but not least I put my bunny back in it. That is my most difficult chore.
Hot Baby Springs

My cousin and her husband wanted to go to the Hot Springs and they have a 1 year old baby named Aidan. I had to watch him for four hours. I had to give him his bottle, make him fall asleep and it was chaos. My mom was at work and my dad was at work and my sister was at a friend’s house finally he fell asleep. He slept through the siren and a car honking the horn outside. Then my cousin came and I was done.
A Difficult Job

Once there was a boy, a mischievous boy. One day he stole a box of donuts and his father told him to pick the corn in the field as punishment. Well he picked a few stalks and gaped at the huge amount that was left to pick. Well it happened that a tall teenager went that way and he got mischievous. He said to the teenager ‘‘boy it is so much fun to pick this corn’’. The teenager stopped in his tracks, he said ‘‘did you say it was fun to pick corn!’’. ‘‘Yah its not every day you get to pick corn’’. After much arguing he got the boy to think it was fun to sew corn, the teenager ended up paying him to do work while the boy relaxed. Well more and more kids came buy and he convinced them that it was fun. Well he could have bankrupted every kid in town but he ran out of corn. When he told his father he was done his father went out thinking it was impossible, but he gave him a donut for his work
Chores :(

The chore I think is hard to do is cleaning my room and trying to make the backyard look good.
I have so much trouble cleaning my room because I get distracted easily. I always make a big pile in the middle of my room then it makes it Samanthaharder because it looks like so much more than it is. My room looks small but when it comes to cleaning it looks hug.
Making the backyard look nice is the hardest job ever. We have three dogs so when we try to pick it up it gets messed up in two seconds.
Give Me a Break!

One of the hardest chores I have ever done is take care of a baby and two other young children. I had to do this for my aunt because she was going out shopping with my mom. My dad and my uncle were outside helping get something fixed. What you are about to hear is a complete nightmare!
My sister and my cousin were playing and they were loud and the baby was sleeping and he woke up and started to cry. I gave him his bottle and he fell asleep I took care of him and let the other two in the room and I let them play video games. After a while I was checking on them and they were fast asleep. Then the baby started to cry. He woke up the other two and then they went outside to play. Since I was watching them all I had to take care of the baby outside. He just woke up and he was tired. I wrapped him up in a blanket put him in the stroller and took him outside. When we came back in my mom and my aunt had just come home.
I was so relived. I went to sleep. I had lived through all this. I was glad because of that.

Monday, June 1, 2009
From Aly!

Dear Parents’ Club,
I thank you for the Yo-yo assembly. It was truly amazing. It will be an experience I will not forget. And I hope we can have more assemblies that are as fun as this one was.
I really enjoyed everything about the yo-yo assembly, but my favorite part was when he did the tricks. That is not something you see everyday. And I thought it was extraordinary. My favorite trick was called “The Iffle Tower” it was the same in a unique way.
Yours truly,
I thank you for the Yo-yo assembly. It was truly amazing. It will be an experience I will not forget. And I hope we can have more assemblies that are as fun as this one was.
I really enjoyed everything about the yo-yo assembly, but my favorite part was when he did the tricks. That is not something you see everyday. And I thought it was extraordinary. My favorite trick was called “The Iffle Tower” it was the same in a unique way.
Yours truly,
Love, Brad

Dear Parents’ Club,
Thank you for all of the fun programs and activities you girls planed for us. For example Cinnamon melts with Dad; Cinnamon melts with Mom, and the yo-yo assembly. I hope that you girls will be here next to plan some more fun activities.
I want to especially thank you girls for the yo-yo assembly because it made more kids to go and try things that they thought they could never do or accomplish. It was fun for every body. Also it made a lot of money for our school because people bought at least 2 yo-yo’s each.
Thank you for all of the fun programs and activities you girls planed for us. For example Cinnamon melts with Dad; Cinnamon melts with Mom, and the yo-yo assembly. I hope that you girls will be here next to plan some more fun activities.
I want to especially thank you girls for the yo-yo assembly because it made more kids to go and try things that they thought they could never do or accomplish. It was fun for every body. Also it made a lot of money for our school because people bought at least 2 yo-yo’s each.

Dear Parents’ Club,
Thank you for all you’ve done for us and all the things we have been able to do. Most of all though I would like to thank you for bringing the Yo-Yo man here so that we could learn about Yo-Yo’s. It was a really fun experience and he did some really cool tricks that look like they took a long time to learn. All of the stuff that you did for us was really fun.
I really enjoyed watching all the tricks he did and learning how to do them myself. I’m sure that everyone enjoyed everything too. Learning how to do tricks is really fun too because it’s not everyday that you get to see a pro Yo-Yo person perform. Thank you again for all you’ve done.
Thank you for all you’ve done for us and all the things we have been able to do. Most of all though I would like to thank you for bringing the Yo-Yo man here so that we could learn about Yo-Yo’s. It was a really fun experience and he did some really cool tricks that look like they took a long time to learn. All of the stuff that you did for us was really fun.
I really enjoyed watching all the tricks he did and learning how to do them myself. I’m sure that everyone enjoyed everything too. Learning how to do tricks is really fun too because it’s not everyday that you get to see a pro Yo-Yo person perform. Thank you again for all you’ve done.
Thank you!

Robert Wilkinson
Lo-Inyo School
Room #18 P.O. Box #159
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Parents’ Club
Lo-Inyo School
P.O. Box #159
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Re: Yo-yo Assembly
Lo-Inyo School
Room #18 P.O. Box #159
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Parents’ Club
Lo-Inyo School
P.O. Box #159
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Re: Yo-yo Assembly
Dear Parents’ Club,
Thank you for letting the yo-yo guy come, he was awesome. It was interesting to learn how to do a bunch of tricks. You people are awesome, for example the cinnamon rolls with dad, that was delicious. You also did the raffle. Thank you!
The yo-yo man assembly was cool because it was interesting. We learned how to do a bunch of tricks. He was funny and best of all we got yo-yos.
Yours truly,
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