Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Why Should Students Blog?

I think that the biggest advantage to blogs is that they provide an authentic audience for student writing and work in general. In the past the teacher was usually the only person who read student work. With a blog, student work can be read by classmates, parents, extended family members, school community members, project partners, classroom teachers, pre-service teachers, and anyone around the world who locates the class blog. (Personal correspondence, December 2008)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Coltan Babysits
by Coltan
One day I was at my house. That day my family came I have a little cousin named Ryan. I had to keep him busy for three days. Let me remind you that my cousin is 3, doesn’t like naps, and loves to play. It was really hard. He would find everything to play with in my room. Finally I got him calmed down by letting him watch a movie. Then he started up again and would not stop. He was a train off its track.
One day I was at my house. That day my family came I have a little cousin named Ryan. I had to keep him busy for three days. Let me remind you that my cousin is 3, doesn’t like naps, and loves to play. It was really hard. He would find everything to play with in my room. Finally I got him calmed down by letting him watch a movie. Then he started up again and would not stop. He was a train off its track.
Difficult Chore

I think my most difficult chore is cleaning out my rabbit cages. It takes up a lot of my time and sometimes when I clean it out with the hose I accidentally pore it on my feet. After I clean the big cage I set it on the trampoline to dry while I clean out the smaller bunny cage. The smaller cage is easier to clean the big gage but it smells worse. After I’m done with the small one I put it back. Then I get the big one and put sawdust in it and all of the food trays back in it. Last but not least I put my bunny back in it. That is my most difficult chore.
Hot Baby Springs

My cousin and her husband wanted to go to the Hot Springs and they have a 1 year old baby named Aidan. I had to watch him for four hours. I had to give him his bottle, make him fall asleep and it was chaos. My mom was at work and my dad was at work and my sister was at a friend’s house finally he fell asleep. He slept through the siren and a car honking the horn outside. Then my cousin came and I was done.
A Difficult Job

Once there was a boy, a mischievous boy. One day he stole a box of donuts and his father told him to pick the corn in the field as punishment. Well he picked a few stalks and gaped at the huge amount that was left to pick. Well it happened that a tall teenager went that way and he got mischievous. He said to the teenager ‘‘boy it is so much fun to pick this corn’’. The teenager stopped in his tracks, he said ‘‘did you say it was fun to pick corn!’’. ‘‘Yah its not every day you get to pick corn’’. After much arguing he got the boy to think it was fun to sew corn, the teenager ended up paying him to do work while the boy relaxed. Well more and more kids came buy and he convinced them that it was fun. Well he could have bankrupted every kid in town but he ran out of corn. When he told his father he was done his father went out thinking it was impossible, but he gave him a donut for his work
Chores :(

The chore I think is hard to do is cleaning my room and trying to make the backyard look good.
I have so much trouble cleaning my room because I get distracted easily. I always make a big pile in the middle of my room then it makes it Samanthaharder because it looks like so much more than it is. My room looks small but when it comes to cleaning it looks hug.
Making the backyard look nice is the hardest job ever. We have three dogs so when we try to pick it up it gets messed up in two seconds.
Give Me a Break!

One of the hardest chores I have ever done is take care of a baby and two other young children. I had to do this for my aunt because she was going out shopping with my mom. My dad and my uncle were outside helping get something fixed. What you are about to hear is a complete nightmare!
My sister and my cousin were playing and they were loud and the baby was sleeping and he woke up and started to cry. I gave him his bottle and he fell asleep I took care of him and let the other two in the room and I let them play video games. After a while I was checking on them and they were fast asleep. Then the baby started to cry. He woke up the other two and then they went outside to play. Since I was watching them all I had to take care of the baby outside. He just woke up and he was tired. I wrapped him up in a blanket put him in the stroller and took him outside. When we came back in my mom and my aunt had just come home.
I was so relived. I went to sleep. I had lived through all this. I was glad because of that.

Monday, June 1, 2009
From Aly!

Dear Parents’ Club,
I thank you for the Yo-yo assembly. It was truly amazing. It will be an experience I will not forget. And I hope we can have more assemblies that are as fun as this one was.
I really enjoyed everything about the yo-yo assembly, but my favorite part was when he did the tricks. That is not something you see everyday. And I thought it was extraordinary. My favorite trick was called “The Iffle Tower” it was the same in a unique way.
Yours truly,
I thank you for the Yo-yo assembly. It was truly amazing. It will be an experience I will not forget. And I hope we can have more assemblies that are as fun as this one was.
I really enjoyed everything about the yo-yo assembly, but my favorite part was when he did the tricks. That is not something you see everyday. And I thought it was extraordinary. My favorite trick was called “The Iffle Tower” it was the same in a unique way.
Yours truly,
Love, Brad

Dear Parents’ Club,
Thank you for all of the fun programs and activities you girls planed for us. For example Cinnamon melts with Dad; Cinnamon melts with Mom, and the yo-yo assembly. I hope that you girls will be here next to plan some more fun activities.
I want to especially thank you girls for the yo-yo assembly because it made more kids to go and try things that they thought they could never do or accomplish. It was fun for every body. Also it made a lot of money for our school because people bought at least 2 yo-yo’s each.
Thank you for all of the fun programs and activities you girls planed for us. For example Cinnamon melts with Dad; Cinnamon melts with Mom, and the yo-yo assembly. I hope that you girls will be here next to plan some more fun activities.
I want to especially thank you girls for the yo-yo assembly because it made more kids to go and try things that they thought they could never do or accomplish. It was fun for every body. Also it made a lot of money for our school because people bought at least 2 yo-yo’s each.

Dear Parents’ Club,
Thank you for all you’ve done for us and all the things we have been able to do. Most of all though I would like to thank you for bringing the Yo-Yo man here so that we could learn about Yo-Yo’s. It was a really fun experience and he did some really cool tricks that look like they took a long time to learn. All of the stuff that you did for us was really fun.
I really enjoyed watching all the tricks he did and learning how to do them myself. I’m sure that everyone enjoyed everything too. Learning how to do tricks is really fun too because it’s not everyday that you get to see a pro Yo-Yo person perform. Thank you again for all you’ve done.
Thank you for all you’ve done for us and all the things we have been able to do. Most of all though I would like to thank you for bringing the Yo-Yo man here so that we could learn about Yo-Yo’s. It was a really fun experience and he did some really cool tricks that look like they took a long time to learn. All of the stuff that you did for us was really fun.
I really enjoyed watching all the tricks he did and learning how to do them myself. I’m sure that everyone enjoyed everything too. Learning how to do tricks is really fun too because it’s not everyday that you get to see a pro Yo-Yo person perform. Thank you again for all you’ve done.
Thank you!

Robert Wilkinson
Lo-Inyo School
Room #18 P.O. Box #159
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Parents’ Club
Lo-Inyo School
P.O. Box #159
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Re: Yo-yo Assembly
Lo-Inyo School
Room #18 P.O. Box #159
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Parents’ Club
Lo-Inyo School
P.O. Box #159
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Re: Yo-yo Assembly
Dear Parents’ Club,
Thank you for letting the yo-yo guy come, he was awesome. It was interesting to learn how to do a bunch of tricks. You people are awesome, for example the cinnamon rolls with dad, that was delicious. You also did the raffle. Thank you!
The yo-yo man assembly was cool because it was interesting. We learned how to do a bunch of tricks. He was funny and best of all we got yo-yos.
Yours truly,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
My Parents

The people I admire the most are my mom and dad. I admire them because they are nice to me. I think they are nice to me because they help me when I need help. I also know they love me because most of the time when I get mad at them they try to make me feel better. That is a reason I admire them.
I also admire them because they buy me almost any thing I want. My mom buys me house stuff like a laptop, Nintendo Ds, Ds games, etc. My dad buys me school stuff like a backpack, pencils, pens, ruler, etc. That is another reason I admire them.
The third reason I admire them is that they love me and I love them. They know I love them because most of the time I listen to them. And even when I get mad they still love me. I know they love me because where ever we go they always say if I want something. That is how I know they love me.
Those are the people I admire the most in my life.
My Grandma

The person that I admire is my grandma Francisca Sanchez Rivera. She is a nice person. I admire her because she is my grandma.
One reason I admire her because she’s my mom’s mother. She talks to everyone and she’s important to me and to all my family. And when I was in Mexico she took care of me, my brother and my sister. When en somebody needed something she was their. And she took care of my aunts when they were little because my aunt’s mother didn’t want them. When she needed something they were their with her.
Others reasons why I admire my grandma because she always bought the things I want it. And she never got mad at me. My grandma took me everywhere with her. 2 years ago went to Acapulco for vacation. And we saw dolphins and we took pictures. And we got wet on the beach.
Those are the reasons I admire my grandma. And that’s why I admire my grandma.
My Parents

The people that I admire the most are my parents. They are still living. They are nice people. I always look up to them.
The reasons I admire my parents are that they are there when I need them. They under stand me because they’ve been with me since I was small. The reason I admire my dad is because when I need new clothes or school supplies he buys them for me. He also buys me practically everything I want. I admire my mom because she buys me stuff for my room.
When I’m sad my parents try to cheer me up. Even when I’m mad I still admire them. My parents like spending a lot family time together. We go out together everywhere. Last December we went to Mexico together for about a month and a half. We went to see family members we spent a lot of time together. I admire my dad because he’s the one that drove for two days to get to Mexico. I got to meet a lot of family members that I had never met before.
They don’t need to buy me all this stuff to show that they love me and care for me. These are the reasons why I admire my parents.
I Admire

I admire many people but I admire my mom the most. Because she is always happy and cheerful.
My mom makes me is happy when I am sad. And she is always there for me. She is strong and caring. I love spending time with her we always have something to take about.
When I am with her we share a lot of laugh. I spend more time with her than any one else in the world. And she always lessens to me. And I know I always have a shoulder to cry on when she’s around.
That is why I admire my mom. And love her. Because she is strong.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Coolest People I Know

The people that I admire the most are living. They’re my mom and dad. I admire them all the time even when they get me in trouble.
My parents buy me everything I need, and almost everything I want. They’re nice to everyone they see. They say “ Hi ” even when they don’t know the people. They are really nice to me and my friends and people that go to my house. They’re really nice to me and my sisters.
I admire my mom because she makes me food so I don’t starve. She buys me and my sister’s stuff like a hair dryer, hair straightener ,hair curler brushes, combs, hair bands, head bands ,etc. She goes to girl stores at the mall with us like Justice, Claire’s, and other stores. She buys us lots of clothes at the mall. She takes care of us and signs permission slips when we are going somewhere at school. And she gives me money.
I admire my dad because he gives us money. He pays food and house necessities. He drives us to Los Angeles, Lancaster, Bishop, and everywhere in between. He buys vehicles for us to ride in. He pays for places for us to live in. He gives my mom money to buy us stuff and to buy stuff for her.
Those are some reasons why I admire my parents.
My Dad Is the Best!
By Prestin
My dad is the best. My mom met him one day.
My dad takes me hunting all the time. Almost all day I see him I like him a lot he lets me hunting by myself. He takes me shooting every week. He cool he lets me by all the guns I want with my money tho. I have him for baseball he make me do like ever thing.
He likes shooting he shoots with me some time. He would pay for me to go shooting any where he will take me hunting any where to. We like hunting together. We love duck hunting we go at like 4:30 am it’s not cool. I like my dad a lot he cool I want him to take me fishing.
I like my dad. He takes me wherever.
My dad is the best. My mom met him one day.
My dad takes me hunting all the time. Almost all day I see him I like him a lot he lets me hunting by myself. He takes me shooting every week. He cool he lets me by all the guns I want with my money tho. I have him for baseball he make me do like ever thing.
He likes shooting he shoots with me some time. He would pay for me to go shooting any where he will take me hunting any where to. We like hunting together. We love duck hunting we go at like 4:30 am it’s not cool. I like my dad a lot he cool I want him to take me fishing.
I like my dad. He takes me wherever.

The person I admire the most, living is Hayley Nichole Williams, because she is talented and admirable to a lot of people. She speaks her mind and believes in what she wants to believe in.
Hayley is 20 and going to be 21 on December 27. She has been in a band since she was 18 and she is still doing it now and plans to keep going, with that. Being in a band hasn’t changed her personality or made her like some people get when they become famous. A lot of people become selfish and conceded and don’t care about anything else but them. She was born in Meridian, Mississippi on December 27, 1988.
I admire Hayley Williams the most because she is a fun person that people like to be around (at least that’s what it says on the internet). When she was young she was just like any other regular kid who’s shy and has stage fright. Her favorite place and hometown is Franklin, Tennessee. She also really likes to write poems. Her real hair color is Strawberry Blonde but she has dyed it so much that you would never know. She is my idol and I admire her so much. I love her clothes and her personality and she is an awesome person.
In conclusion the person I admire most is Hayley Williams is because, she is true to herself. She hasn’t become too conceited or selfish, yet.
Why I Admire Mariah Carey

One of the people I admire the most is Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey is a singer and an actress. She sold over a million copies for all of her albums and was one of the top singers in the 80’s and 90’s, and pretty much still is. She was the top selling female artist in the 90’s too. She was number 7 in the Maxim Hot 100 also. And she is also one of my favorite singers.
Mariah Carey was born in Huntington, New York on March 27, 1970. She’s 39 years old and been singing almost her whole life. She’s very funny and when I saw her house on MTV cribs she had a Moroccan room, which I thought was pretty cool. She’s married to Nick Cannon and had her honey moon in the Bahamas. Her favorite animal is a dolphin and she has her own perfume line that I think smells really good. Her perfume bottles are shaped like butterflies, and favorite colors are pink and purple. She also is a total party chick. And she’s really crazy, like me.
The reasons I admire Mariah Carey is because she’s a really great singer and a pretty good actress. She sings in a bunch of different categories, (mostly pop). She is really fun and it looks like she’s really awesome to hang out with. She traveled all over the world, which is something I would like to do. I can’t sing at all, but I would like to be like her, in some ways. She’s been singing for a really long time, like when my parents were younger, and I think that’s really cool that she’s, kind of like a legend still in the making. She’s made and sold over a million copies for each of her 15 albums. My dad used to have a giant crush on her (which I thought was funny) and he used to love her music. Now he listens to lame old people music. I just think she’s totally awesome.
Mariah Carey, to me, is a really cool person and a good singer. There are a lot of good reasons why I should admire her. And why other people should admire her. To me, she’s awesome!

Well personally I don’t admire anyone because this world has no one to look up to. But if I have to choose, I’d choose my Grandma.
The reason I chose her is because she’s always so strong and semi-happy. She was always there for me even though she now lives in North Carolina. We are very close. And she is my, bestest family member. I send her stuff and she sends me lots of stuff. Like the last stuff I got from her I got a pedicure kit, a blue scarf which I’m wearing as a belt today, and a lot of activity books.
But there are a lot of thing she doesn’t have to send me, to prove that she loves me. When I was younger she would watch me all the time. It was always fun at her house she would have little ferbies all around the house. They were really fun to play with. And her Sebastian was so cute. And he has the best little toys that I could throw around the room and have him fetch. Like aww. And that’s the person I look up to most in my, oh so short life.
Kate Von D

The person I admire most is Kat Von D because she is awesome and she isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. She is the person I admire the most.
Kat Von D or (Katherine Von Drachenberg) but she thinks that Kat Von D is easier. She is 26 years old and born in Nuevo Leon, Mexico on March 8th 1982. If you look at her you would never think that she was from Hispanic origins, however she is. At the age of four her and her family moved to Colton California. Her parents are Rene Drachenberg and Sylvia Galeano they are both Argentines which mean that her nationality is German and Spanish-Italian. Her first time tattooing someone was at the age of 16. Kat got her first tattoo at the early age of 14. It was a j in Old English Type as a symbol of a lost love. The first tattoo she did was a skull and bones from the band “Misfits”.
She became more popular when the hit show “Miami Ink” first aired. Kat was the only girl on the show which created many problems. So after two years of being on “Miami Ink” she decided to leave because of personal problems with the owner of the shop Ami. After quitting she decided to move back to Los Angles and open up her own tattoo shop and get her own T.V shop called “L.A Ink” which premiered on August 8th. Oddly Kat seems like a rocker chick but really she loves Beethoven and has many tattoos that came from him. She is not at all afraid to speak her mind. If Kat has something to say she just says it. I love this about her because that means that she is not the shy type and not going to let people walk all over her. This to me is very admirable.
Kat Von D is the most awesome chick EVER. I think that she is one of the best people ever. Why not admire Kat Von D?
Emma's Sister
The person I admire most is my big sister Katie. I admire her because she’s a good example.
Katie is 22 years old. She has three kids that are all girls. A lot of people say that Katie and I look alike and act alike sometimes. They say that we’re twins that we were just born at different times. I Katie is a really sweet person. I miss her so much!
Katie lives in Rexburg, Idaho. Her husband works as a construction person and goes to school there in BYU. Katie is a stay at home mom. She is very good with her kids she loves playing with them.
When I grow up I hope I can be like Katie and be a good example. This is why I admire her a lot.
Chad's Mom

The person I admire most is my Mother. I admire her because she has taken good care of me for my whole life.
My mother is very kind to me. She’d do anything for me! If I wanted a cell for my b-day, she’ll get it (sand which She Did) She also got me a PS2 when I was 8, and my favorite game at the time, Fr33kstyl3. The game was a motorcycle game that you could knock others off their bikes by hitting then with trick and tweaks like the Superman or Superman w/ tweak, Screwdriver. But lets get back on topic.
I also have some dislikes of her. We do not share a like of music. She likes country, I cant stand it. Also I like Rap, she cant stand that. Mexican food makes me drool, she likes Chinese better. Japanese food is mouth watering to me, but she hates it. She “breaks the sound barrier” when she yells. She says I’m lazy and need to get off the computer, but all she does is get paid 28$ an hour to sleep, play games, and watch movies at a computer for 11 hours.
I know her life is stressful trying to take care of 2 deviant little girls, but I lighten up her day when she gets home.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Keep Yourself Clean

I am going to tell you how to take care of yourself. First, when you get up you should jump into the shower. Lather your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Use some body wash too. Second, get out of the shower, dry off, and brush your hair so that when it dries it will stay in place. Third, put on your best friend (deodorant!). Fourth, put on a CLEAN pair of socks and clothes. Fifth, brush your teeth for two minutes and rinse for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Sixth, sit down calmly so you don’t dirty yourself before school. Seventh, don’t get food on yourself. Last, but not least, do not rub your head on the couch, that will mess up your hair.
Monday, May 18, 2009
My Parents

In life I admire lots of people but I admire my mom and my dad the most. They have been there from the beginning. I don’t know what I would do without my mom and her care. My dad is the person that makes me feel safe all the time.
I admire my dad because his mom died when he was two. When I was little he told me that story and it was very touching. His dad took care of him until he was old enough. That made me realize that I should be more grateful to have my parents with me.
My mom had a good life however she was away from her brother and some of her sisters. She moved away from her mom and her dad when she was young. She moved to Lone Pine and she has not seen her mom and dad for over 8 years. When it was mother’s day she was sad that she couldn’t see her mom. I wish that she could see her mom next Mother’s Day because I know it would make her happy.
I admire my mom and my dad the most. I hope that I will keep my promise and admire them forever.

The Beatles

Out of the people in the world I admire John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr (The Beatles) the most.
I admire John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr (The Beatles) the most because they are one of the best music groups of all time. Whenever I play music in a concert or fundraiser usually about 80% of my music is The Beatles. Another way The Beatles are amazing is because of their world records like best selling album in the UK etc.
I also admire John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr (The Beatles) the most because of why they play their music and what their music is about which is mostly Love and Peace take the song Revolution for an example just by looking at the title of the song you can tell it will probably be about peace to the world, animals, or to a war. I really like how they get their message through by not giving speeches, protesting, or hurting people but through song.
Now you know why I admire John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr (The Beatles) the most.
Chocolate Candy Grandma!

In life I admire many people, but there is only one person that I admire more than anyone in the whole world. This person is already gone (dead) but I still admire this nice, awesome, and caring person. If you met her you would probably admire her too!
The person I admire the most is my grandma. She was always there for you. Like if your parents were working or just somewhere she was always available for babysitting their kids. All my cousins and friend who she took care of always tell me that I was lucky to have such an awesome grandma! I admire her because she was always there for you, to give you love when you didn’t have any, give you advice or to comfort you when you were feeling sad. I also admire her because she would take care of you so good and she would baby-sit us for free! She was admired by almost everyone!
I also admire my grandma because she made delicious food. She knew how to make almost everything like chocolate and a lot of other candy. Also she always had candy or gum with her in her purse. Like if you needed a piece of candy or gum, you could just go to her and she would always have some. I think that at least 10 other people admire her as much as I do!
The worst day in my life was when my grandma died. She died of a heart attack on some day in 2004. And that was the end of her. But still she’s still the person I admire most and probably will forever and ever!
The Person I Admire

The person I admire the most is my cousin Arturo. I admire him the most because he has gone a long way.
He has had a lot of hard times but he tries to make it up for them. I feel really bad for him because when he was little both of his parents died.
After that he was in the streets a lot. I think he is very strong because right now he is doing well. He is with most of his family and he is happy.
He is working very hard to get what he wants. Last time I talked to him he said he was working at an auto shop with my uncle. He said it was very cool because he is learning lots of stuff. He wants to be a teacher so he is trying to get into college.
I miss him a lot and I wish he was still living here. But I don’t worry so much because I am going to go see him pretty soon. And I can’t wait to see him again.
My Uncle Gus

The person I admire most would have to be my Uncle Gus. I admire him most because he was always willing. I admire him because he was always there for any one.
I admire him the most because he was always willing to listen. He would help you try to make it through something hard. He would make you feel better when someone or something you loved passed away. He volunteered to be a paramedic and help all the people who needed help. He was always ready for death because he was always around fire, thin ice, and falling buildings.
I admire my Uncle Gus the most because I could talk to him about anything. He was anything but self-centered. He was giving and caring. I admire him the most because he loved hearing the chief telling him to get in the ambulance to go help someone.
That is why I admire my Uncle Gus the most! He was my idol; I want to be just like him.
I Admire My Teachers

Do you admire your teachers? I do my teacher Mr. Heist is funny and entertaining. He makes learning fun! He does cool things like when we used the computer almost every day. Once we blew the period on the computer.
I love doing Photo Stories and Power Points in his class. This blog was an awesome assignment. We watched movies in class and we learned about drugs in health. It was really interesting. Mr. Heist has a good temper and will take most silliness.
But Mr. Heist is sometimes grouchy and some of the kids will make him angry then he yells and when he yells he is LOUD but most of the time he is awesome! He is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He is patient and will show us how to do stuff.
That is why I admire my teachers. Next time you do a fun assignments think about how good your teacher is to you.
Lena's Mamma

I admire lots of people in life. But the one I admire the most is my mom. She teaches me so much in life from right to wrong.
I admire my mom so much she always tells me to try to think positive in life so I do my best. She is always there when I have a problem in life. From someone mean at school to, homework, and siblings. She is always trying to be so positive in life that’s a big reason why I admire my mommy so much.
Also when I have those gloomy days she always finds the best ways to make me feel better. Like one week end when I was about 4 and my sister was about 7 she went at a slumber party with a couple of her friends, and I wanted to go, but I couldn’t I started crying so much. My mom cheered me up by telling me it would just be me and her the whole day long. We went for an ice cream and I got a Barbie. That day was really fun even though I didn’t go with my sister to that stupid sleepover.
Those would be the main reasons why I admire my mommy so much. She is the best mom ever to me. Smart, nice, and also so carrying to her children.
Donny Hanson

Donny Hanson was the one of the best motocross racer of his day. He now owns a motocross academy. I went there it is cool.
I can’t remember when he started motocross as a pro, but I heard he started motocross when he was a kid. He helped USA to our first Motocross the Nations win. After that USA has had a winning streak.
He can’t race any more, he crashed really hard and messed up his balance. He hasn’t given up on motocross he still does his part of helping racers of tomorrow, like me.
Donny Hanson is awesome laid back and cool. I have met him personally and he is very nice. I hope that every young motocross racer will meet him someday.
Brad's Heroes

Out of every living and non living person or people I admire Jackie Robinson, Babe Ruth. I admire these 2 gentlemen for many reasons.
I admire them because I always think about them when I am up to bat and when I hit my home runs. Jackie is one of my favorites because he is the one who allowed people of different races to join this American sport. Most of my favorite baseball players are Japanese and from the Dominican Republic. He is too one of the greatest baseball players of all time.
I admire Babe Ruth because he was on my favorite team and hit just like me and my friend today. The Babe is also one of the first people to be in the hall of fame. Also the Babe was a trouble maker much like me. He spent most of his life in a school. He also led the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees to the World Series many, many times.
Those are reasons I like California born Jackie Robinson and Maryland born Babe Ruth.

My Brother

I admire my brother more than anyone else in the world.
I admire him because he’s a role model and the best half brother I will ever have. My brother is like older brothers, He wrestles with his younger brother and he can drive me places because he just got his drivers license yesterday.
My brother is coming and I admire him the most because of this: he’s going to drive me to all my friends’ houses, drive me to the pool, and play video games with me too.
His name is really long. His name is Alexander Brant Cornelius. He also has an account on youtube and a video called egg salad bounce. It’s pretty funny.
That’s all the reasons I admire my brother the most.
My Dad

I admire quite a lot of people. But there is one person that I admire the most.
I think the person I admire the most is my dad. There are other people but my dad is the best. He knows a lot about the world and tries his best to make me a good person when I grow up. He knows about a lot of the things that I am going through in my life that he helps me with.
He cares about everything I say and everything I care for. He tries to make my life fun and good. I think so far he is completing his mission as a parent. He is doing good by making me happy.
That is who I think is the person I admire the most my dad.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Blogatastic HOW TOs

How to Tango:
I don’t know how to Tango
How to make shrunken heads:
1. First buy apples
2. Peel apples
3. Carve apples into faces.
4. Get lemon juice and salt mix into juice.
5. Soak apples in juice.
6. Get string and tie it to the stems of the apple.
7. Tie other side of string to oven rack.
8. Cook over night on high.
9. Hang up high inside home.
10. Wait 10 days.
11. You know have shrunken apples.
How to hypnotize people:
1. Get the person comfortable. Settle the person into a comfortable chair or sofa. Let him relax and get comfortable for several minutes.
2. Breathe deeply. Remember to breathe with the person you are trying to hypnotize. Slowly inhale and hold the breath for one beat, then exhale. Repeat the deep breathing pattern until both you and the other person are relaxed. Instruct the person to focus on an object. Focus is part of the relaxation process. You’ve probably seen old movies where the hypnotist makes the patient focus on a watch swinging like a pendulum. This doesn’t have to be how you focus. Consider having the participant focus on a related object if he is trying to connect with a specific memory of an even or another person. Mental focus can also be achieved by having the person remember a place where he feels safe such as a childhood bedroom, the beach or wherever is personal for him.
3. Speak slowly, softly and in a controlled fashion. As much as you want to relax the other person, you must relax and control yourself. Pay close attention to your speaking voice. Talk slowly and softly, controlling your tone and your speed. If offering suggestions while the participant is under hypnosis, remember to give precise, clear instructions in the same controlled tone.
4. Listen to tone as well as words spoken. When a person is relaxed enough to fall into hypnosis, his breathing slows and often his tone of voice changes. Listen closely to the changes. You will be able to tell when he is open to suggestion.
5. Avoid pushing or forcing hypnosis. Trying to force hypnosis into a specific memory or trying to move too fast will hinder the process.
6. Be patient. Developing the skill to consistently be able to hypnotize people takes time. Go slowly and you will succeed.
Hypnosis is at its core a relaxation technique. In order to excel at hypnotizing people, you must remain calm and relaxed and be able to transfer that calm to the person you are working with.
How to burp on command:
1. Stand up--or at least, sit up. Gas goes up. If you're lying down, you're less likely to burp.
2. Drink a heavily carbonated beverage. By swallowing the beverage, you will necessarily introduce gas into your stomach. When the gas rises in a burp, it may bring other gases up with it, which is helpful if you're trying to relieve excess air.
3. Close your mouth and nostrils so that you cannot inhale any additional air. Then exhale and swallow the exhaled air with saliva. In this case, you introduce air just so that you can burp it. This is useful for burping on command but might not help release existing gas.
4. Ask someone to gently pat you on the middle of your back and alternate with rubbing in circular motions. This can stimulate the air to rise, similar to when it's done with babies.
5. Close your mouth as you burp and let the gas come out through your nose. Hold your hand up to your nose so that the air released dissipates against it. Doing this will help your burp be as subtle as possible.
How to Burp without people noticing.
1. Close your mouth when you feel it coming. It is vital that your mouth is closed.
2. Slowly let it out, with your mouth closed. Remember to do it slowly, or you will automatically open your mouth, and you don't want that to happen.
3. Open your mouth, and breathe it out slowly.
My Super Smash Brothers! Game
by Coltan
First I would make the game a video game. The main character would be Kirby. In the game you would have to beat every video game player in the world. Every time you beat somebody you would gain Exp (experience points) and get stronger so in the end you cold beat the ultimate character in all of the games, Darkness Kirby. It would be a really cool game.
First I would make the game a video game. The main character would be Kirby. In the game you would have to beat every video game player in the world. Every time you beat somebody you would gain Exp (experience points) and get stronger so in the end you cold beat the ultimate character in all of the games, Darkness Kirby. It would be a really cool game.

The Random
I love Giant Cheetos. I love super heroes. I love to play baseball. I love my teachers. I love to ski and to snowboard. I love to eat Oscar Myer products, such as: bologna, hotdogs, and meat. I love to sing. I love to dance. I love to eat food. I love Batman. I love Superman. Most of all, I love to be a Goofy Goober.
The Random 2 --Identity of Brad
I am tall. I am fat. I am athletic. I am a trouble maker. I am a fast eater. I am a good sport. I am a good friend. I am not 20 years old. I am not a 12 grader. I am scratched up. I am in still in elementary school. I am a good student. I do not live on any of the polar ice caps. I am your worst night mare. I am the one in your dreams. I am a Goofy Goober.
New School Mascot

The new school mascot will be a walrus. We all could say go Walruses. He could be not a real walrus but a guy in a suit. He would be are mascot for this town for thirteen years. Every body would always cheer him on. He could cheer him on. He would be the best mascot. He could always do back flips. We could cheer and hug him. The walrus is gray. He has big tusks. He also wares a big blue shirt. The shirt will say goo walruses!.
Free Write

Two days ago my god-brother brought his (almost five month old) son to my house so my god-brother could take his wife to dinner at “Seasons”. Matt and Jeena went out to dinner; I got really lucky because when they shut the door Will my god-brother’s son was in a very deep sleep. Will didn’t wake-up until seven o’clock. The only reason he woke-up was because he was hungry and needed his dipper changed. After he woke-up I went into my dining room grabbed his bottle out of the dipper bag, grabbed the dipper bag, and ran the bottle under warm water for a few minutes. I ran back into the living room and put Will’s changing pad on the chair and changed his dipper and then I gave him his bottle. Then he finally fell asleep until his mom and dad walked into the house and slammed the door and the Will had a fit. His mom and dad had to take care of him because they woke him up!
My Designed Board Game

The game I would design is a board game. It would be called Design Your Self. You would have little pieces of clothes, and accessories, and little wigs for their heads. Once you are ready you role the dice and try to get to the fashion show first. Finally when everyone is at the fashion show you walk down it with your little doll. You can win twice in the game I designed. Who ever gets to the fashion show first wins that part. Then you can also win when you walk down the run way it’s electronic and there’s judges that judge the dolls from prettiest to ugliest. The rules are pretty simple if you role the dice you can land on a square that says extra accessories, or move numbers of spaces back, and some say congratulations. Also one of the squares say…Game Over! This game would be awesome for a slumber parties or birthday.
Definition of Me

Abby – Intelligent, friendly around people. Average human being, wants to succeed in life. Loves to be around people, likes to have fun with friends, and loves rollercoaster rides. Have a mom, dad, two sisters, one brother, a lot of nephews and a lot of cousins. Helpful with my mom and dad around the house. Sometimes a little crazy and silly when I’m with my friends all together. Loves to eat homemade meals that my mom makes. My favorite homemade meal is macaroni & cheese. I am responsible, for example I watch my nephews while my sister and her husband go to a movie or out to eat. I love being around little kids, and helping them. Sometimes I can be funny but most of the time they’re just lame jokes that no one thinks are funny. My friends and I love going swinging at the park and sitting on each others laps while we’re swinging. Most days I like to go to school because, I like all the teachers I have and I like being around my friends. When we go to the amusement parks I really like to go on the biog rollercoaster rides. I like to go on these because they get your heart pumping; also after you get off you can say, “Wow, I actually just went on that”. A lot of times I and my friends laugh hysterically at one of my friends almost to the point where we can’t breathe.
Make a Brand New Game

My game is called dams. You turn on a hose and let some water flow downhill. When you have a good river you stop the water and make a dam. Then you let more water flow .The dam that lasts the longest wins .Try to break your record. Try poking holes in your dam so the water doesn’t go over the top of the dam. This game should be played out side! You could make a sand castle with a dam around it. Then make a lake around the castle and see how long the castle lasts!

My game would be a new Zelda game and Link could have any color for his suit like black and yellow. He would also have a hammer that the Gorons (Rock people of the mountains) made. The hammer would have spikes on the rim and it would be red and black. Just like Majoras Mask you could get masks like Mario and Pikachu. Zelda in my game would be a brunet and have a beautiful gown that blue and green. When you battle ganondorf instead of him turning into a pig like one of the other games he turn into a black dragon with fiery red eyes, with those eyes he can hurt you badly. Once you beat him Zelda gives you a kiss on the cheek and they both get married and the wedding gets crashed by darkness.
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